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The Chai Tots Objective

The objectives of a good nursery program is to create a warm, healthy and happy environment where small children can grow and develop emotionally and cognitively as well as physically.


At Chai Tots Preschool we strive to do this in a most professional and caring manner. Additionally, we endeavour to impart a love and flair for the beauty of our religion and culture, as well as nurture and develop faith and trust in G-d. We hope to inculcate a love for Israel, all things Jewish and an involvement in the performance of the Mitzvot (precepts) of the Torah. Ivrit - Hebrew language is used in both formal and informal instruction and becomes a part of the daily routine, as well as holiday fun and games.

Childhood Development

In early childhood, the seeds of learning, Jewish identity, curiosity and caring are planted. Our program spans a period of intense personal, social and academic growth. Young children develop at different paces. Our teachers are sensitive to the wide range of abilities and developmental levels within this age group. They offer creative activities that fit into the broad developmental continuum represented by the students.


Each classroom has teachers who guide the children and promote active learning, problem-solving, discovery of friendship and exploration of their new, expanded learning world. The classroom is a community in which Jewish values are modeled and reinforced and Hebrew language is introduced through songs, games, and simple conversation. The curriculum combines structured and unstructured activities that encourage young children's most important work-creative play. Every day is filled with art, music, stories, language, Jewish living, and hands-on exploration.

Our Goals

To encourage your child to make choices, with respect towards him/herself, others and his/her surrounding, thus developing his self esteem, self-efficacy and belief in him/herself.To nourish your child’s heart and mind, as we develop cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills, so that your child will be a well-rounded person capable of solving problems and adapting to new situations. To educate your child in a creative, supportive, and warm Jewish environment, so that your child will not only learn about life as a Jew, but will learn to love it too!


Chai Tots seeks to create a stimulating and enriching educational environment for each and every child. The school is devoted to helping children learn socialization skills, building their self-confidence and teaching them the preliminary skills to explore and experience the world independently from their parents. Our goal is to provide children with the early foundation and framework to prepare them for the transition to elementary school. In addition, we seek to ignite a spark in each child to lay claim to his Jewish heritage and commit him or her to a lifetime passion for learning.

Our Staff

Our preschool is staffed with trained early childhood educators. Each member of our school faculty is sensitive to the needs of the children and their families and has a strong commitment to quality Jewish education. The faculty meets weekly to discuss curriculum, plan programs and share and exchange ideas. In order to uphold the high standards of our program, staff development is ongoing throughout the year. This ensures that our teachers remain alert to the ever-changing needs of today's families and to the findings of current research.


Our director, Necha, and our teachers are an unusually dedicated group of professionals whose level of commitment to each child does not stop at the classroom door, and whose commitment to early childhood education is truly an avocation. As a result, they bring to their jobs a unique and special blend of professional skills and personal experience.

Chai Tots Preschool

Main Office: 20735 Devonshire Street | Chatsworth, CA 91311 | 818-718-0777

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